
I look at autism the same way I look at the common cold or flu. The common cold is temporary and curable, but like autism, it does not go away on its own. If left untreated, cold can get worse, becoming increasingly difficult to treat. Treating to cold can require different approaches. Each symptom (sore throat, cough, fever, ect) can be identified and specifically treated, but it is also extremely important to strengthen the immune system, so the body can fight it off and prevent it from catching anything else. Autism needs to be approached in the same way.
Autism is tricky and complex puzzle. Its many symptoms need to be identified and addressed in order for the whole to function normally. Unfortunately the spectrum is so vast, that there is no really picture to look to as a guide. Each child on the spectrum can be affected differently. Identifying and treating each piece of the individual autism puzzle can require removing many different layers and often many approaches.
Therapies and interventions beginning with the onset of the diagnosis, can have enormous affects and lead to the ultimate outcome. Autism is not just just in the brain, the body as a whole needs treated.
It is my goal to do everything in my power to lead Kingsley down the path to transcending her diagnosis.
Knowledge is my greatest asset in this battle therefore I am committed to learning as much as I can. It consumes me and I've found it difficult to keep track of everything I've come across in my constant googling. I decided to create this blog to organize the resources and information I find, along with share it with everyone involved with the healing process and loves my amazing little girl. - Megan

Saturday, November 24, 2012



Shop.autismspeaks.org is a unique online shopping mall where you can shop for the things you would normally buy, from the brands you would normally choose, and at the prices you would normally pay. Here's the best part - when you shop through this site, you're also helping Autism Speaks benefit from all your purchases. Autism Speaks has licensed its name to nonprofitshoppingmall, LLC (NPSM), the developer of this unique website, which uses this online shopping site to drive a new revenue stream of unrestricted funds into Autism Speaks's annual budget -- and here's how that works

Shop in support of Autism!

Please join Discovery Toys in supporting Autism Speaks by purchasing quality educational toys and learning products through this special website and know that 20% of all proceeds will go directly to Autism Speaks. Thank you! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I first heard about TACAnow.org, which stands for "Talk About Curing Autism" from reading Jenny McCarthy's Book Louder Than Words. I had put checking the sight out into my mental "to do list," but did not get to it until I realized that every time I would google something relating to autism, that a source of that site would come up. Once I finally had a chance to explore it I found enormous amounts of information in a very easy-to-understand fashion. Under their "Family Resources" lie a treasure of resources. My first major exploration was  the GFCFSF section, where I found information that I had not yet been able to find organized all in one place like this. I highly recommend checking it out, especially the Family Resources.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I came across this website and found it very helpful at giving somewhat brief overviews on the various theories about autism, and also information about different treatment options.
